Tim has been investing himself in the Delaware Valley for more than three decades. He, and his wife Denise have lived in Hatboro PA for the last 20 years, and all 5 of their children went through the Hatboro- Horsham school district. Tim graduated HH himself in the class of ‘78 and then got his BS in photography from Temple in ‘84. Since moving to Hatboro he has taken every opportunity to contribute to the wider community around him, whether it be chairing the Holiday parade every year, organizing volunteer efforts with the Masons, or fighting childhood food insecurity at the local food banks, Tim has made it a priority to give back. As a local leader he has worn a ton of hats (no pun intended) including being President of the Hatboro Chamber of Commerce, Borough Historian, and as of this past election cycle, he is serving his second term as the Mayor of Hatboro.
As an entrepreneur, Tim has built his businesses on the back of genuine relationships in real estate. Buying a home is the most important purchase most people make in their lives. Long term success in the industry comes from buyers and sellers being happy years later – not just the day they sign the contract. During the past ten years, Tim has built these genuine relationships with over 200 fellow agents across the greater Philadelphia area, but more importantly, he has built relationships with hundreds of home buyers and sellers that are still satisfied years later.